20-21 Reopening Plans Parent Survey Questions

20-21 Reopening Plans Parent Survey Questions

Discoveries full reopening plan will be linked our school website on July 31st to read in its entirety.

  • Will school reopen in September?
    1. Yes, we will reopen in a remote structure, DCS will assess the risk of an in person return at the end of the first quarter.
  • Will my child(ren) be able to continue remote learning if DCS decides to go back in person hybrid or full?
    1. Yes – this will be an option for all students all year.
  • Will my child get the technology they need to complete the online learning expectations?
    1. Yes – every student of Discovery will receive a Chromebook and additional school tools to support home instruction
  • Can DCS guarantee that my children will be safe from contracting COVID-19 if I send them back?
    1. No, we are being as cautious as possible and following all required and recommended guidance to ensure the safety of our staff and students
  • When school reopens will my child be expected to where a mask all day?
    1. No, we will have classrooms set up in a way that when students are seated at their desks, they will not need a mask, however they must wear one on the bus and to move around the building.
  • I am worried about my child’s mental health -will DCS offer additional supports to students and families?
    1. Yes!
  • I am concerned about being able to provide meals/ food to my children will we have access to meals/ food?
    1. Yes!
  • When school reopens in person will we have transportation?
    1. Yes, we will have details of what that will look like when we receive further guidance.
  • My child has an IEP or 504 Plan, will they still receive the services they need to be successful in school?
    1. Yes! Our student services Coordinator will be reaching out to each family with an IEP or 504 to explain specifics
  • I think my child needs to be evaluated for a learning, speech, etc concern will I still have the option to get them attested for additional services?
    1. Yes, we are waiting guidance on what that will look like.
  • What will cleaning look like at the school when kids are back in the building?
    1. We, will follow all CDC and DOH Guidance as far as cleaning, cleaning will be done throughout the day
  • Will DCS follow the social distancing rules?
    1. Yes! We have put many processes in place to ensure social distancing (lots of details in our full plan)
  • If / when DCS starts the hybrid model with kids in some day and other kids’ other days I am worried about that I have kids in a few grades will they go together?
    1. Yes, we have made it a plan to have siblings attend in person school on the same days
  • What will be the student to teacher ratio?
    1. All classes will have a maximum of 11 students to 1 teacher for the entire year in all phases of reopening
  • Will DCS follow what RCSD does?
    1. Not necessarily – DCS will respond to our school community and make plans specific to our students and families
  • When my kids come back to school and a classmate or teacher tests positive for COVID what will happen?
    1. We have a full response plan; all parties will be notified, and everyone directly exposed will be expected to quarantine for two weeks and learning will happen online. Students and staff not directly exposed (the rest of the school) will switch to at home learning for a minimum of 48 hours to allow for deep cleaning.


Please send additional questions to me at anytime and we will continually update this document. (scastner@rochesterdiscovery.com or through the Remind app)

We miss you!

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September 2024