DCS Re-Opening Plan

Discovery Charter School Reopening Plan 2021-2022

For the 2021-2022 school year, Discovery will continue to operate with student and staff safety as our main priority.  Safety precautions will be in place throughout the building to ensure that students can return to the building safely and participate in the best DCS learning environment!

  • Masks will be required for all students and staff while in the building, regardless of vaccination status.
  • Staff will be required to either be vaccinated or tested weekly, with evidence being shared with administration.
  • Mask breaks will be offered at teacher discretion.  When masks are off, students should stay socially distanced, 6 feet if possible. 
  • Masks may be removed when outside, but students should continue to be socially distanced, 6 feet if possible.
  • Student desks will be located at least 3 feet apart.
  • Each student will have a supply box with their own supplies that will not be shared.
  • Students and staff will have temperature checks as they enter the building.
  • Each classroom will be supplied with appropriate cleaning and sanitizing supplies and teachers will use regularly throughout the day.
  • Students will remain in their classrooms for Encores.  Art, Performing Arts and P.E. will come to the classroom to teach students.
  • Lunch will be provided in the classroom to limit transitions.
  • The school nurse will evaluate any students or staff with symptoms and refer to a medical professional or to get a COVID test as necessary.
  • Students who receive special services will only participate with students from their own classroom to avoid mixing groups of students.

Click below for PDF Version of Discovery Charter School’s Re-Opening Plan:

DCS Re-Opening Plans (7.30.2020)

July 30, 2020

At Discovery Charter school (DCS) we know that effective planning of this magnitude cannot be

done in isolation. It is critical that our school community work together during this planning

process. Our level of collaboration has allowed us to make more resources available and help to

ensure a seamless reopening for our school community while also ensuring a high quality

education for our students and families.

Discovery Charter School’s (DCS) Reopening task force and sub committee members

include: Sara Castner (School Director), Kara Snyder (Instructional Coach and Administrative

Intern), Kevin Cousin (Physical Education Teacher and Administrative Intern), Matt Bradsteet

(Academic Data Coordinator, School Data Privacy Officer, Safety Officer), Kaleigh Jacobson

(Student Services Coordinator), Carolyn Beiter (School Nurse), Rita Nilsson (Social Worker),

Laurie Corbett (Operations Manager), Anita Hagen (Assistant Operations Manager), CeCe Diaz

(EL ELA Master Teacher), Justin Schultz (Math Coach and Curriculum Coordinator), Lindsey

Massenzio (Speech and Language Pathologist), Aneesah Willis (Family Liaison), Additional

members of the school community include: parents and caregivers of our students (completed

multiple surveys to support the creation of this plan, open Q & A session participation, Family

Association Meeting Agenda topic July, additional phone calls and emails upon request), Board

of Trustees (July meeting agenda topic, Special meeting scheduled July for reopening plan

review, Board Google drive to allow for participation in the creation of documents, etc.) All DCS

staff (survey completion and 2 open Q & A sessions and option to participate in sub committees

specific to reopening planning).

When working to develop an effective plan Discovery utilized the definition of preparedness and

the five mission areas: Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response , and Recovery. The safety

of the school community is our utmost priority. DCS has defined Protection in this plan as a

means to secure our school against the spread of COVID 19. Protection in the DCS plan

focuses on ongoing actions that protect students, staff, and visitors from the possible spread of

COVID -19. For the purposes of this plan, means the capabilities necessary to avoid, or stop a

possible spread of COVID 19. Prevention is the actions we as a school are taking to prevent a

spread of COVID-19 from happening. Mitigation means for the purpose of this plan, the

capabilities necessary to eliminate or reduce the spread of COVID -19 by lessening the impact

on the school community. In this plan, “mitigation” also means reducing the likelihood that a

spread will happen. Response means the capabilities necessary to stabilize an emergency

once it has already happened or is certain to happen in an unpreventable way; establish a safe

and secure environment, and facilitate the transition to recovery. Recovery means our

capabilities necessary to assist the DCS school community affected by COVID-19 in restoring

the learning environment.

Prior to putting the planning into action DCS completed 4 assessments .

1. Site Assessment to examine the safety, accessibility, and emergency preparedness of

the school’s buildings and grounds in accordance with social distancing guidelines. This

assessment included a formal fire inspection, a review of building access and egress

control measures, compliance with applicable architectural standards for individuals with

disabilities and others with functional and access needs, and emergency vehicle access,

square footage of teaching and learning spaces, student traffic patterns within the

building,Student traffic pattern and safety measure to simply with all school safety drill

procedures, building ventilation system and plumbing systems, Increased

understanding of the potential impact of a confirmed case of COVID -19 in the school

building. Identification of an isolation area if needed. Increased understanding of risk and

vulnerabilities of the school building and grounds when developing the plan. Knowledge

of which facilities are physically accessible to students, staff, parents, volunteer workers,

and emergency response personnel with disabilities and can be used in compliance with

the law.

2. Culture and Climate Assessment to examine the impact of the school reopening

models on our school culture. DCS prides itself on its strong school culture and climate

for both family and staff. Our school culture and climate assessment evaluated family

and staffs comfort level with the possible reentry plans. The surveys and Q & A sessions

provided us with the knowledge of families and staff’s perceptions of their safety.

3. School Threat Assessment ( modified, as we were not doing a threat assessment on an

individual or group of individuals for a typical threat assessment ) Our school threat

assessment analyzed the public health threat specifically for the school community (local

hospital capacity, local infection rates).

4. Capacity Assessment to support the planning team in knowing what resources we had

available. We looked at the capacity of students and staff as well as the services and

material resources of community partners. This assessment was used to identify people

in the building with applicable skills (e.g., health and safety, technology use, instructional

expertise, mental health expertise, ability to assist SWD and ENL students. We created

an inventory, evaluation of equipment as well as supplies for staff and students.

The Discovery Charter School Community has decided to start the academic school year for

20-21 fully remote. This decision was not made lightly or without the consideration of many

factors. One of the deciding factors in making this decision was mainly made based on the

feedback from families and staff. Of the families and staff surveyed, over 60% indicated they

would not be comfortable with in person instruction, while another 30% indicated uncertainty.

Our decision to start the year remotely was additionally based on the fact that we share our

space and are unable to control possible exposure. When considering the risk for our students

and staff we made the decision to eliminate risk to our school community. This decision will be

re-evaluated in October 2020, and then monthly moving forward to make a determination to

adjust our reopening plan. When considering the change in reopening we will reassess updated

feedback from families and staff, review the health risk from the Monroe County Department of

Health as well as NYS guidance.

Reopening Plan Mandatory Requirements

Discovery has reviewed and considered the number of students and staff allowed to

return in person. These factors were considered when determining resumption of in

person instruction:

● Ability to maintain appropriate social distance

● PPE and cloth face covering availability

● Availability of safe transportation

● Local hospital capacity (consulted with Monroe County Department of Health)

○ https://www2.monroecounty.gov/health-COVID-19#providers

● DCS main point of contact for DOH and safety officer appointed (Matt Bradstreet)

Discovery has engaged with school stakeholders and community members (Parents,

Staff, Students, Discovery Charter School (DCS) Board MCDOH, NYS DOE, NYS BoR,

other Local Charter Leaders, cooperating districts GCSD, RCSD)

● Staff and family surveys utilized via Google Forms

● Staff and family info session and Q & A session held via zoom

● Planning sessions with various subcommittees

Discovery has made a plan to communicate for students, parents/guardians, staff, and

visitors that includes applicable instructions, training, signage, and a consistent means

to provide individuals with information.

● Discovery updates the school website regularly to provide updates and resources

to all stakeholders

● DCS utilizes a School Facebook page and Instagram account to provide update

and resources

● DCS as a school community utilizes the Remind App to share updates and


● DCS will utilize school wide mailers to provide information to families

● DCS will utilize email on a regular basis

● DCS Staff, students, caregivers will be provided with training as needed virtually

● Signage will be present in hallways, bathrooms, classrooms to help ensure that

all safety protocols are followed.

● The School Nurse will assist in providing Covid-19 information from the CDC to

staff regarding the recognition of COVID-19 symptoms and proper hand and

respiratory hygiene via different modes, to include posters, videos, and live chats

to provide time for questions and answers.

● All materials will be provided in the families’ native languages as well as a variety

of signage in the school building and website will be available in all native

languages to DCS staff and families.

Discovery has a protocol developed in collaboration with the school’s director of school

health services to instruct staff to observe for signs of illness in students and staff and

requires symptomatic persons to be sent to the school nurse or other designated


● Staff will be formally trained by the school nurse minimally once a quarter and will

have regular reminders and updates as deemed appropriate.

Discovery has a protocol written below for daily temperature screenings of all students

and staff, along with a daily screening questionnaire for faculty and staff and periodic

use of the questionnaire for students.

● All students entering and exiting the school building will be required to have a

temperature check

● If a student or staff member has a fever we will need a note from a medical professional

prior to return to the building

● DCS has purchased 6 touchless thermometers to be used at arrival and dismissal of


● DCS will keep a log of twice daily temperature if a student or staff member has a fever

> 100.4 degrees as defined by American Academy of Pediatrics they will be quarantined

until they can be picked up

● It’s recommended that all families follow the health screening checklist prior to school

admittance. (see recommended DCS Family daily Health Check Below)

● Staff are required to fill out the health screening checklist prior to entering school. (see

Required DCS Staff daily Health Check Below)

● School Nurse/or Trained Staff members will monitor and follow up with all checklist

issues, staff, and students.


Required On-Site Staff Wellness Self- Assessment

This form must be submitted each day by the beginning of an on-site workday. Your email

address (…) will be recorded when you submit this form.

If you experience any of the symptoms listed below within a 24-hr period, close this form, do

NOT report to the work site, and contact School Director, Sara Castner.

I attest that I do NOT have any of the following:

I do NOT have

Temperature of 100 degrees or higher ___

Cough not due to a pre-existing condition ___

Sore throat not due to a pre-existing condition ___

Hard time breathing ___

Loss of taste or smell ___

I attest that I have NOT experienced any of the following:

Have NOT experienced

Knowingly been in close contact in the past

14 days with anyone who has tested positive ___

for COVID-19 or who has or had any of the

symptoms above

Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the past

14 days, or have experienced any symptoms ___

of COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

By clicking YES, I attest that I understand that I am required to immediately disclose if and when your

responses to any of the aforementioned questions change., such as if I begin to experience the above

symptoms during work hours or outside of work hours. (bullet) YES




Discovery’s plan requires that ill students and staff be assessed by the school nurse

(registered professional nurse, RN) and that if a school nurse is not available, ill students

and staff will be sent home for follow up with a healthcare provider.

Discovery has a protocol written below requiring students or staff with a fever, signs of

illness, and/or positive response to the questionnaire to be sent directly to a dedicated

isolation area where students are supervised, prior to being picked up or otherwise sent


● If a sick student or staff member is identified, this masked individual will be quarantined

in an isolation room in the nurse’s office until that student is able to be picked up (staff

member will be sent home). Instructions for individuals to be seen by a health care

provider and a return to school protocol will be required by the family before reentering

the building. PPE following CDC guidelines will be provided for health office staff caring

for symptomatic individuals.

● The nurse’s office and any known location of the identified individual will be thoroughly

cleaned and disinfected as per CDC and DOH guidelines.

Discovery has a protocol written below to address visitors, guests, contractors, and

vendors to the school which includes health screening.

● DCS will limit any outside visitors – volunteering in the building will be put on pause

further notice, the status of outside volunteers in the building will be re-evaluated

minimally quarterly by the DCS Nurse, School Director, and Safety Officer.

● All vendors will have specific entry and exit routes clearly identified (we will work to have

transitions outside of the school building or within our main lobby as much as possible to

limit the possible interaction with staff and students).

● If an essential guest, visitor, contractor or vendor is needed in the building, this individual

will complete a health screening assessment and pass a temperature check prior to

entering the building. If there are reasons to believe this individual is a health threat to

those in the building, they will not be allowed to enter. If said person passes these

checks, this person will follow masking and social distancing guidelines (6ft spacing,

limited movement following traffic flow pattern designed in building).

● Any outside essential visitors or vendors will be logged into the school Raptor system as

a way to keep record of outside individuals in the building.

Discovery has a protocol written below to instruct parents/guardians to observe for signs

of illness in their child that require staying home from school.

● Refer to DCS Recommended family daily health screener (translated in all native DCS


● Additional resources and materials will be posted on the School website, Instagram,

Facebook and Remind.

● Families will be able to participate in our videos created by DCS staff to instruct parents

and guardians to observe signs of illness that require a child to stay home.

Discovery has a protocol written plan of appropriate signage to instruct staff and

students in correct hand and respiratory hygiene.

● All DCS signage for hand and respiratory hygiene will be translated into DCS native

languages (English, Spanish and Arabic)

● Signage will include visuals as well as written information

● Additional resources and materials will be posted on the School website, Instagram,

Facebook and Remind.

● Families will be able to participate in our view videos created by DCS staff to instruct

parents and guardians and students on proper hand and respiratory hygiene.

Discovery has a protocol written plan to ensure all persons in school buildings keep

social distance of at least 6 feet whenever possible.

● Discovery has a protocol written plan detailing how the school will provide

accommodations to all students and staff who are at high risk or live with a

person at high risk.

● Discovery has a protocol written plan requiring all employees, adult visitors, and

students to wear a cloth face covering whenever social distancing cannot be


● Discovery has a protocol regarding students taking mask breaks.

● Discovery has a protocol written plan for obtaining and maintaining adequate

supplies of cloth face coverings for school staff, students who forget their masks,

and PPE for use by school health professionals.

Discovery has a written protocol below for actions to be taken if there is a confirmed

case of COVID-19 in the school.

● DCS has a DOH point of contact (Matt Bradstreet) who is also our safety officer

● DCS has collaborated with the Monroe County Department of Health to ensure

adherence with all guidelines

● DCS will minimally close in person instruction for minimum 2-5 days if a confirmed case

is present in the school building.

● During the closure period the building will be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with the

DOH and CDC guidance.

● DCS will follow all DOH protocols for contact tracing

● The Emergency School Closure and reopening plan due to COVID -19 will be

communicated to families and staff through multiple means of communication (remind

app, facebook, instagram, DCS website, take home flyer, email, phone calls, texts)

● The educational program will transition seamlessly into remote instruction the first

closure date. (See Full Instructional plan details below)

Discovery has a protocol below that complies with CDC guidance for the return to school

of students and staff following illness or diagnosis of confirmed case of COVID-19 or

following quarantine due to contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Return to school

will be coordinated with the local health departments.

DCS has collaborated with the Monroe County Department of Health to ensure

adherence with all guidelines for reentry

● The DCS Nurse and Safety officer will ensure that students or staff who have tested

positive for Covid 19 will only return to the building following strict guidance from CDC

and MCHD.

● If a confirmed case has entered the school, Discovery will implement short-term closure

procedures regardless of community spread if an infected person has been in a school


● If this happens, the CDC recommendations will be followed:

○ We will Coordinate with local health officials. Once learning of a COVID-19 case

in someone who has been in the school, we will immediately notify local health

officials. (Matt Bradstreet will be our point of contact for the Monroe county

Department of Health)

○ Dismiss students and most staff for 2-5 days. This initial short-term dismissal

allows time for the local health officials to gain a better understanding of the

COVID-19 situation impacting the school. This allows the local health officials to

help the school determine appropriate next steps, including whether an extended

dismissal duration is needed to stop or slow further spread of COVID-19.

○ The duration of the school closure will be made on a case-by-case basis using

the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 and the specific cases in the


○ During school closure DCS will utilize the full remote plan identified in this plan to

ensure continuity of education

○ Any preplaneed in person school events would be cancelled

○ Staff, students, and their families will be discouraged from gathering or

socializing anywhere.

○ Communication will be made with staff, parents, and students.

○ In such a circumstance, it will be critical we maintain confidentiality of the student

or staff member as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Family

Education Rights and Privacy Act.

○ Cleaning and disinfecting will be done thoroughly of the entire building.

Discovery has written protocol to clean and disinfect schools following CDC guidance.

Products being provided and used are both cleaning and disinfecting products in one.

They are CDC approved (EPA Registration # 1839-169-1658): Re-Juv-Nal Non-Acid

Restroom Disinfectant/Cleaner

● Daily cleaning responsibilities in schools for which ESF provides regular custodial

service: Clean and disinfect school-wide which includes classrooms, restrooms,

cafeterias, stairwells, elevators, libraries, and buses. Logs noting date, time, and initials

of the custodian performing the task, will be completed daily for each restroom and

common area of the school. Clean and disinfect high touch hard surfaces such as

table, student desks, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, toilets, sinks,

faucets. For phones, staff desks, IT, and gym equipment, wipes or disinfectant cleaner

will be provided in classrooms and common areas for use by all as needed. Soft

surfaces such as carpets and area rugs, will be vacuumed using a HEPA filter vac and

will be shampooed as needed with CDC approved products. Playground will be cleaned

routinely; disinfecting is not required. School health office floors, hard and soft surfaces

will be cleaned. For all school health office equipment, disinfectant wipes or disinfectant

cleaner and towels will be provided for use by the Nurse as needed.

In the event of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case, ESF will perform the following

in schools where ESF provides regular custodial services: Close off areas used by the

person who is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19. Open outside doors and

windows to increase air circulation in the area. After a 24-hour waiting period or as long

as possible if 24 hours is not feasible, ESF will clean and disinfect areas used by the

person suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19, such as offices, classrooms,

bathrooms, lockers, and common areas. Once the area has been appropriately cleaned

and disinfected, it can be reopened for use.

Discovery has written protocol to conduct required school safety drills with

modifications ensuring social distancing between persons.

(Full Safety Plans available upon request)

● 6 feet distance markers will be located on the sidewalk showing students where to stand

during the evacuation drills. Teachers will ensure proper distancing protocols are

followed during indoor drills in the classroom.

● Students and staff will use designated entrance and exit points of the building as well as

staggered reentry into the building to avoid large gatherings

Discovery has designated a COVID-19 safety coordinator (Matthew Bradstreet) whose

responsibilities include continuous compliance with all aspects of the school’s

reopening plan, as well as any phased-in reopening activities necessary to allow for

operational issues to be resolved before activities return to normal or “new normal”


● The DCS Safety Officer will minimally have a weekly meeting with the School Director

and school nurse to brief and reevaluate some elements of the plan.

● The DCS Safety Officer will also act as the main point of contact for the DOH

In addition to the above mandatory reopening elements DCS will provide the following to

ensure the Health and Safety of our Staff and Students:

● DCS will be starting with full remote instruction until January 23, 2021 (subject to


● Teachers will be wearing face shields and masks.

● Students will require face coverings unless at their designated learning area.

● All students will face one direction while in the designated learning space (at desk or in

another identified learning space).

● All students and staff will screen daily upon entrance and exit to the school building.

● All appropriate spaces will be utilized for instruction including the cafeteria, gymnasium

or outside spaces.

● Students will have “cohorts” of small classes not to exceed 12 students.

● Students will not transition from room to room throughout the day. Staff may rotate, but

students will not. A hallway transition plan is in place to guide appropriate movement

around the building while maintaining social distancing rules

● Each student will have individual desks and supplies

● School will use disposable equipment and supplies and have a sanitary place to

dispose. Two garbage cans (one with lid) for each classroom

● Deep cleaning of the building both Wednesdays and Saturdays when staff and students

return to the building.

● Teachers will adhere to cleaning guidelines with provided cleaning supplies to common

touch surfaces.

● https://www2.monroecounty.gov/files/health/coronavirus/2020_Corona%20Get%20Teste


Discovery has a protocol written plan for obtaining and maintaining adequate supplies of

cloth face coverings for school staff, students who forget their masks, and PPE for use

by school health professionals.

DCS Phase 1

Remote Model Proposed by DCS

● Discovery will start the school year officially on 9/9/20 fully remote (Phase 1 end date

subject to change based on COVID status)

● All above listed Health and Safety mandatory and additional guidance will be followed

during remote instructional plan for in person work/events at the school for staff and


● Staff health screening upon entrance and exit to the building (when expected to be in the


● All staff will wear masks during staff meetings or professional development gatheringsnot

to exceed 25 people in one location, minimally 6 feet apart.

● Staff will be provided a reasonable alternative such as the option to participate remotely

in all staff meetings and staff development opportunities if requested.

Facilities All above Health and Safety guidelines will be followed at every phase of our

reopening when in the school building. All mandatory and additional recommended guidance

listed will be followed during in school events by staff and students.

Remote (up to 65 staff members in the building at one time) *multiple consistent spaces will be

utilized to make smaller groupings and limited access to areas of the building for an additional

safety measure will be in place for staff)

● No students will be present in the building for learning on a regular basis

● Students may be in the building for evaluations as needed (all social distancing rules as

referenced in the hybrid plan will be followed if a student is in the building)

● DCS will keep the staff on one floor of the buildings and will have assigned entrances

and exits and routes to move around the building while in person teacher tasks occur

● Staff will be required to follow all identified social distancing and hand hygiene rules

while in the building

● Staff will be required to complete a health screen survey prior to entering the building

Nutrition Plan

All Nutrition guidelines will be followed as well as all safety protocols for meal distribution and

preparation. Discovery Charter School Students will have access to community meal pick up as

well as the option to pick up meals at Discovery during the remote and hybrid models.

Discovery Families will have access to the Backpack program through Foodlink for all three

plans of reopening.

DCS Phase 2

Hybrid Model Proposed by DCS

● Start date 1/22/21 subject to change based on COVID status

● All above listed Health and Safety mandatory and additional guidance will be followed

during Hybrid instructional plan for staff and students

Facilities All above Health and Safety guidelines will be followed at every phase of our

reopening when in the school building. All mandatory and additional recommended guidance

listed will be followed during in school events by staff and students.

Hybrid (approx 140 students and 60 staff members during instruction on a daily basis)

● Students will be split into 2 groups K-6 and group A will attend school in person

● To create a consistent academic program the students small groups of no more that 11

will be continued when we return to in person instruction this will additionally allow for

proper social distancing in classrooms

● Mondays and Tuesdays while Group B will attend school in person Thursday and Friday

● The hybrid instructional model will allow for deep cleaning to happen on Wednesdays

and Saturdays in between groups as no staff or students will be allowed in the building

on Wednesdays or weekends unless an essential maintenance worker

● On Wednesdays all students will participate in online learning.

● Students in group B will have remote instruction while group A is in school and vice


● All student will use hand sanitizer upon entrance and exit of the classroom space

● All students will need to use hand sanitizer after putting on or taking off their mask

● Each student will have individual desks and supplies

● Each student’s desk will be located in a position that allows a 6 ft social distance in all

directions while seated

● Social distancing will be required during emergency drills (fire and lockdown). To ensure

distancing, sidewalks will be marked in 6 feet intervals so that students know where to

stand after exiting the building. During lockdowns, teachers will ensure that students are

distanced by positioning them 6 feet apart along the walls out of sight from the windows.

● All meals will be provided in the classrooms as well as all special area subjects (Art,


● Cleaning throughout the day by teachers’ common touch areas in the room,

maintenance staff will frequently clean stair railings, bathrooms, common spaces

● Physical Education and Performing Arts will be provided utilizing the 12 foot social

distancing rule and if unable alternative activities will be used (ex. Recorded lessons, live

zoom lessons, etc.)

● DCS will consider the school building, staff, and students 3 schools. (separated by floor)

○ All students and staff that work on the first floor will utilize the same entrance and

exit, stairwell and bathroom facilities.

○ All students and staff that work on the second floor will utilize the same entrance

and exit, stairwell and bathroom facilities.

○ All students and staff that work on the third floor will utilize the same entrance

and exit, stairwell and bathroom facilities.

Nutrition Plan

Discovery will ensure compliance with Child Nutrition Program requirements. All Nutrition

guidelines will be followed as well as all safety protocols for meal distribution and preparation.

Discovery Charter School Students will have access to community meal pick up as well as the

option to pick up meals at Discovery during the remote and hybrid models. Discovery Families

will have access to the Backpack program through Foodlink for all three plans of reopening.


● All enrolled students will have access to school meals each day whether remote or


● School meals will be available at specified pick up time and locations throughout the

rochester area. Meals will be available for pickup or at community locations.

● If on site, Breakfast and lunch will be delivered to student classrooms. There will be no

gatherings in shared spaces for meals (cafeteria). Students will eat at their assigned

space in the classroom.

DCS Phase 3

Full return model Proposed by DCS

● Start Date dependent on COVID status guidance from MCDOH, NYSDOE, and other

supporting agencies will be considered when determining reopening in person


● All above listed Health and Safety mandatory and additional guidance will be followed

during Full return to instruction staff and students

Facilities All above Health and Safety guidelines will be followed at every phase of our

reopening when in the school building. All mandatory and additional recommended guidance

listed will be followed during in school events by staff and students.

Full reopening (approx. 280 students and 65 staff members at full capacity )

● Decisions about the daily instructional schedule will be made based on data and other

impact data collected (ie determine mins of ELA, Math, and SEL instruction during the


● All students will use hand sanitizer upon entrance and exit of the classroom space

● All students will need to use hand sanitizer after putting on or taking off their mask

● Each student will have individual desks and supplies

● Each student’s desk will be located in a position that allows a 6 ft social distance in all

directions while seated

● Social distancing will be required during emergency drills (fire and lockdown). To ensure

distancing, sidewalks will be marked in 6 feet intervals so that students know where to

stand after exiting the building. During lockdowns, teachers will ensure that students are

distanced by positioning them 6 feet apart along the walls out of sight from the windows.

● All meals will be provided in the classrooms as well as all special area subjects (Art,


● Cleaning throughout the day by teachers common touch areas in the classrooms,

maintenance stair railings, bathroom cleaning schedules?

● Physical Education will be provided utilizing the 12 foot social distancing rule and if

unable alternative activities will be used (ex. Recorded lessons, live zoom lessons, etc.)

● DCS will consider the school building, staff, and students 3 schools. (separated by floor)

○ All students and staff that work on the first floor will utilize the same entrance and

exit, stairwell and bathroom facilities.

○ All students and staff that work on the second floor will utilize the same entrance

and exit, stairwell and bathroom facilities.

○ All students and staff that work on the third floor will utilize the same entrance

and exit, stairwell and bathroom facilities.

Nutrition Plan

All Nutrition guidelines will be followed as well as all safety protocols for meal distribution and

preparation. Discovery Charter School Students will have access to community meal pick up as

well as the option to pick up meals at Discovery during the remote and hybrid models.

Discovery Families will have access to the Backpack program through Foodlink for all three

plans of reopening.

Full Return to school

● Students will continue to access breakfast and lunch during the school day. Breakfast

and lunch will be delivered to student classrooms. There will be no gatherings in shared

spaces for means (cafeteria)

● Students will eat at their assigned space

● Students remotely learning may access school meals by picking up at their home school,

or at a designated location with proximity preference.


Transportation will be provided by the student home district and will comply with the

NYS DOH, MC DOH and CDC guidelines (details provided below by cooperating providers see

below). Minimally DCS will ensure transportation providers have agreed that:

● School Bus Regular Cleaning/Disinfecting

● School Bus Staff will be trained as well as student riders (Training to social distance at

stops, at unloading times Wearing masks, per DOH guidance) (DCS will support the

training and expectations for transportation with families and students)

School Site Loading/Unloading Safety, Separation, Staggered (DCS has designed a

plan to allow for safety, staggering, and separation when loading and unloading at DCS)

Ontario Bus company provides transportation to approx 30 DCS students (GCSD


○ An Infection Control Plan (ICP)- includes clear protocol routines for cleaning,

steps to take in the event of an infectious disease outbreak. Specific cleaning,

sanitizing, and disinfecting protocols identified by the school stakeholder group.

○ Independent third-party certified cleaning products

○ EPA – registered disinfectants and sanitizers

○ Best Practices and procedures

○ Cleaning equipment designed to reduce chemicals required (walk-off mats,

HEPA vacuum cleaners, microfiber cloths, and mops

○ Training program for staff on cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting products and

procedures, as well as hazard communications and bloodborne pathogens


● Greece Central School District (GCSD) provides transportation to approx 30 DCS


● Rochester City School District (RCSD) (First Student and Monroe Transportation)

provides transportation to approx 237 DCS students

● Gates Central School District provides transportation to approx. 3 students

● West Irondequoit Central School District provides transportation to approx. 1 student

● Spencerport Central School District provides transportation to approx.1 student

● Webster Central School District provides transportation to approx.1 student

Budget and Fiscal

● Discovery Charter School will continue to meet existing state aid reporting requirements.

Additionally, the content of data submissions, such as attendance data will remain

consistent with past practice, except where modified by law, regulation, or executive


Staffing and Human Resources

Discovery has created clear staffing plans with roles , responsibilities and clear expectations

provided for staff for each of the three phases of instruction for 2020-21 . Discovery has created

a plan for the school year that ensures all teachers, school and district leaders and pupil

personnel service professionals hold a valid and appro priate certificate for their assignment; if

they are not they are assigned a mentor teacher with the certification area and are assigned an

instructional coach. DCS has considered the currently approved APPR plans and has made

adjustments while still holding all staff to a high standard for all phases of reopening. (Full APPR

Plan available upon request)


Full, Remote, Hybrid

All students will be provided with an electronic device to support their learning at home

during remote and hybrid learning as well as during a full return in preparation for school

to close for any reason.

● A connectivity survey has been conducted and any family expressing need for

connectivity will be addressed on an individual basis with the access to a MiFi device

from the students home district.

● Staff will be provided with the technology needed to ensure successful remote


● Instruction on using technology and IT support for students, teachers, and families will

be provided

● Professional Development for teachers and leaders on designing effective online/remote

learning experiences and best practices for instruction in online/remote settings will and

are being utilized from a variety of facilitators.


Social Emotional Learning (SEL) will be critical in re-engaging students, supporting adults,

rebuilding relationships, and creating a foundation for academic learning at DCS in all phases of

reopening. Discovery has thoughtfully planned around the well-being of educators so they can

support the social and emotional well-being and learning needs of their students, we

acknowledge and are doing what we can to prepare for the potential trauma that staff and

students have faced during the COVID-19 school closures.

Ensuring intentional and meaningful inclusion of social emotional learning (SEL) to support the

well-being and success of students, staff, and families.

● Mindfulness curriculum will be utilized to ensure mental, social, and emotional health are

prioritized for academic learning to occur.

To Ensure we take a Trauma-Informed Social and Emotional Learning approach Discovery will:

● Establishing routines and maintaining clear communication.

● DCS has a school wide non-negotiables document to communicate consistent

implementation of lessons as well as SEL support to staff to ensure a consistent

message to students and families.

● Prioritize relationships and well-being over assignment and behavioral compliance

● Support students in feeling safe, connected, and hopeful

○ SEL office hours will be available to student and families

○ Students will be in cohorts of no more than 12 to allow for a personal connection

with students and families.

○ In addition to the instructional responsibilities during teachers are expected to

meet with each of their students minimally once a week 1:1 as a check in

○ Additional mentoring (Staff to student/ Student to student will be facilitated if


○ DCS will continue traditions such as community circle, creative crew, art show,

talent show, etc.

○ DCS will have a school wide weely message with a common daily challenge

where students, families, and staff will submit photos to be posted on social

media posts

○ Members of the the leadership team and SEL team will participate in lessons,

Crew meetings frequently

○ An initial home visit will be conducted by teachers and other DCS staff in August

and a follow up in October to support relationships between home and school

(full home visits protocol available upon request)

● Discovery Leadership Team and SEL Team will communicate the importance of SEL

and how it relates to student success in school to staff and families

● Facilitate opportunities for connection and reflection among students, families, and staff

(i.e., virtual town-halls, small group online meetings, surveys, etc.).

DCS Student SEL :

Tier 1 – Prevention and Universal Supports for All Students and Families

● We will Provide access to resources to self-care, self-help, as well as

parent support information.

○ A survey has been sent out to determine topics of interest to

families and caregivers (minimally a monthly workshop will be live

and recorded for families, caregivers)

● We will continue to utilize a trauma-sensitive and culturally responsive

approach to student engagement and support

● Planned check-ins with teachers and parents to assist in identifying

at-risk students (weekly grade level meetings)

● Daily attendance checks

● Share information with parents and educators regarding how to identify

when a student may be struggling with a mental health issue (resources

provided as well as community workshops including staff and families)

● DCS SEL team will have office hours available to students and families

Tier 2 – More intensive supports (in addition to Tier 1) that can be provided to students

who are identified as at-risk for mental health

● Social Worker, SEL Team members, and the Dean of students will be utilized to provide

support for students who are identified as needing assistance.

● Connect families with local community providers, county resources, and other

organizations to support the needs of the family

● Proactively reach out to the Community Supports/Organization in our community to

establish connections to better support families who may be receiving or in need of Tier

2 or 3 supports outside of school.

● Explore higher education partnerships (school psychology and/or social work programs)

to assist with the further development of mental health curriculum resources and


● DCS is partnering with a local College to offer Art Therapy to identified students for all

reopening plans

● DCS is partnering with a local College to offer Music Therapy to identified students for all

reopening plans

● DCS has a formal mentoring program to support students

Tier 3 – Individualized and intensive support for students who are identified as needing

mental health interventions

● We have considered Discovery’s capacity to provide students with individualized

counseling, monitoring of progress, and therapeutic support through our existing

programs and current staff.

● We have collaborated with local community providers, county resources, and other

organizations to enhance Tier 2 and 3 supports

● We will connect students and parents to individual counseling, family therapy, out-patient

programs, as needed

To support our staff’s well-being Discovery Leadership will:

● Provide time and space for individuals to process traumatic events, re-establish

connections with each other, and receive support that promotes their healing.

○ Weekly staff meetings consistently including:

■ Mindfulness

■ Celebrations

■ Time set aside Q & A

■ Staff Spirit Stick Continuation (recognition and celebrations of 2 specific

staff members nominated by co-workers)

○ Daily mindfulness and exercise tasks emailed to all staff

○ School Director monthly staff journal prompt

○ Staff will continue to receive regular instructional feedback and support from all

members of the leadership team (minimally remote lesson pop-ins weekly,

weekly lesson plan feedback, weekly planning support)

○ Instructional coaching will continue through all phases of reopening

○ Weekly grade level team meetings

○ School Director office hour weekly

○ Mentors provided to staff

○ Staff Wellness Committee (weekly meetings)

○ Staff Equity and Access Committee (weekly meetings)

○ Staff Sunshine Committee (weekly meetings)

■ plan month staff culture building events

■ Recognize staff birthdays

■ Organize celebrations for babies, weddings, new homes, etc.

● Prioritize educator self-care and wellness through self care plans and workshops.

○ During remote instruction staff are not required to start the work day until 10am to

allow for family responsibilities

○ Staff Wellness Committee

○ Staff meeting structure, Grade level team meeting structures

○ Staff with children in the DCS grade span can enroll their children in DCS at

anytime to support

● Support educators’ access to mental and behavioral resources and encourage them to

utilize these services.

● Create opportunities for staff to regularly practice and reflect on their social and

emotional competencies. (see full list above)

Teaching and Learning

In planning for the curriculum, instruction, and assessment for reopening, Discovery has

identified the need to modify the professional development plan to focus on building staff

capacity to deliver highly effective instruction in hybrid and remote environments as well as

preparing them to address any learning gaps that might prevent students from meeting

grade-level standards. At DCS we know that professional Learning is imperative to better equip

leaders, staff, students, and parents/caregivers to adapt to altered educational environments

and experiences.



The purpose of CREW, or morning meeting is to develop community among teachers, students

and other staff. CREW will take place every weekday from 10:00;10:30

Teachers should plan for virtual field trip every Thursday

Components: Greeting – Message – Share – Activity

Establish expectation of starting on time with parents and students

Teacher starts 10 minutes early to let students trickle in

Crew begins promptly at 10:00

Late students will be welcomed with a silent finger wave

Crew Format (M,T,W,F)

(10:00 – 10:05) Greeting

(10:05 – 10:10) Message

(10:10 – 10:20) Share

(10:20-10:30) Activity


All Mathematics lessons will be rigorously aligned with NYS standards and best teaching



Daily Math Meeting via Zoom (20 minutes)

PPT screenshare

Daily Math Lesson via Zoom (30 minutes)

Print problem sets, send home manipulatives

IXL – 15 minutes independently


Daily Spiral Review (20-30 minutes) via Zoom & Nearpod

Spiral Review format – see below

MC slides to collect data

Review highest leverage question at end via PPT screenshare

Daily Math Lesson (30 minutes) via Zoom & Nearpod

○ Hook/Intro → I Do → We Do → You Do

Problem set assigned via google classroom

IXL 20 minutes+A

English Language Arts a


EL Module via Zoom (45 minutes minimum)

Monday/Tuesday Skills via Zoom (30 minutes)

Thursday/Friday via Zoom Guided Reading (30 minutes)

All areas need an independent practice component.


EL Module via Zoom (45 minutes minimum) ß Zoom & Nearpod

Every Module Lesson is required to have MC set questions

● Must include Collaborate Slide

● Must include digital copy of text

Guided Reading (30 minutes) ß Zoom & Nearpod

Writing Responses assigned via google classroom (connection with Guided Reading)

Encores- Special Areas

Visual and Performing Arts:

Arts (performing and visual arts) classes will be conducted through Google Classroom on

Nearpod. Two classes for K-2 (One visual and one performing arts), and two classes for 3-6

(One visual arts and one performing arts) will be posted Tuesday morning by 8am. On

Thursdays, the visual arts and performing arts teachers will be available for office hours.

Mandatory weekly assignments are due by Friday at 5pm for all students. All visual and

performing arts lessons will be standards based and integrate other core subject areas.

Fridays – 30 minutes of advanced portfolio work time (SOTA, School 58 etc.) – 5 th and 6 th grade

students only

Physical Education :

Mandatory Physical Education classes will be available through google classroom. Two lessons

will be available per grade level each week. Two Physical Education teachers will be available

for office hours each Thursday to support all K-6 students in completion of assigned lessons. All

Physical Education lessons will be aligned with the NYS standards for Physical Education and

Health through NYSAHPERD. Assignments are due by Friday at 5pm for all students. All

Physical Education lessons will incorporate cross curricular skills including math and ELA.

Health will be taught once a week to all 6th graders, with a strong emphasis on mental health.

Special Education (SPED)

Discovery will continue to provide the high level of student support that we have in place for a

typical school year. Discovery will continue to comply with the Individualized Education plans

for all identified students the best way possible. During the hybrid and remote instructional plans

all students with disabilities will receive additional support to address academic and social

emotional learning goals and needs. Discovery continues to employ a full time Speech and

language pathologist to provide services and consultation beyond what the students home

districts provide. In addition Discovery continues to employ a full time social worker to provide

services and consultation beyond what the students’ home districts provide. All students for

the 20-21 school year will be placed in a class of 6-11 students to ensure additional support be

provided to help address any gaps from the 19-20 closure period and alternate teaching and

learning plans for the 20-21 school year. Additionally students with academic goals will be

seen in small groups of no more than 5 minimally 3 x’s weekly to allow for pre teaching and

reteaching of any skills or to address foundational skills needed to support the understanding of

grade level standards.

Students with disabilities families will be provided with meaningful parental engagement

regarding the provision of ser vices to their child; collaboration between the Committee on

Commit tee on Special Education (CSE) and program providers representing the variety of

settings where students are served; access to the necessary instructional and technological

supports to meet the unique needs of students; and documentation of programs, services and

communications with parents.

Discovery will consider in-person services a priority for high-needs students whenever possible

and consider contingency plans devel oped by the CSE to address remote learning needs during

our remote and hybrid reopening plans.

Response to Intervention (RtI)

RtI is a systematic approach to prevention, intervention, and enrichment in grades K-6 for

academics and behavior that offers teachers and families a mechanism to identify individual

students who need extra support. We will continue to utilize collaborative problem-solving

teams, emphasis on family engagement, and data-based decision making as critical

components for our RtI program during all phases of reopening.

During the remote and hybrid models the response to the intervention instructional team will

consist of members of the instructional leadership team. Academic data will be utilized to

determine RtI groupings and levels of service. When we are fully returned to school we will

continue to utilize the model used during our typical school year, with additional remote learning

opportunities after school hours to identify students. During our remote and hybrid periods

teachers will follow the DCS protocol to refer a student to RtI for academic and or social

emotional needs. The referral and meeting process will be followed as it during our typical

school year.


Discoveries reopening plans address the learning loss experienced by many English language

learners (ELLs), in both their English language development and their mastery of content area

knowledge. Discovery will :

● provide all communications to parents/guardians of ELLs in their preferred

language and mode of communication to ensure that they have equitable

access to critical information about their children’s education;

● ensure that all ELLs receive appropriate instruction that supports their

college, career, and civic readiness, by providing them the required

instructional Units of Study in their English as a New Language or

Bilingual Education program based on their most recently measured

English language proficiency level;

● conduct ELL identification for all students who enrolled during

COVID-related school closures in 2019-20, during the summer of 2020,

and during the first 20 days of the 2020-21 school year within 30 days of

the start of the school year; and

Discovery has aligned our policies to the Blueprint for English language

learner/Mul tilingual learner (ELL/MLL) Success; adopted progress

monitoring tools to measure ELL proficiency; provide social-emotional

learning supports to ELLs in their home language; continue utilizing

tech nology in ELL instruction; support Students with

Interrupted/Inconsistent Formal Education (SIFE) and other vulnerable

populations; ensure the Emergent Multilingual Learners


● Discovery will maintain a full teaching staff to ensure that all students are able to have

daily access to small group instruction

● All staff will be fully utilized in reference to each reopening plan

Full : Discovery Charter School has 58 full and part time staff members.

Our full in person design is as follows:

8 Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) Members :

● 1 school director

● 2 Administrative Interns

● 1 Student support services coordinator

● 1 Data Coordinator

● 3 Instructional Coaches

15 Classrooms with 25 classroom staff:

● 3 Kindergarten teachers and 3 Kindergarten Instructional Teacher Assistants (ITA) (6)

● 2 First Grade teachers, one First grade Apprentice Teacher, and first grade ITA (4)

● 2 Second Grade teachers, one Second Grade Apprentice Teacher, and one second

grade ITA (4)

● 2 Third Grade teachers, one Third grade Apprentice Teacher (3)

● 2 Fourth Grade teachers (2)

● 6 Fifth and Sixth grade teachers, using a rotation model (6)

4 Encores (Specials) Teachers

● 1 Performing Arts Teacher

● 1 Visual Arts Teacher

● 2 Physical Education Teachers

3 Language Specialists

● 1 Speech Language Pathologist

● 1 ENL Teacher

● 1 ENL Apprentice Teacher

5 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Staff

● 1 Behavior Specialist

● 1 Dean of students

● 1 Social Worker

● 2 Social Emotional Learning Specialists (1 during remote plan)

Operations and Other Support Staff

● 2 Operations Managers

● 1 Administrative Assistants (taking on the role of Attendance Coordinator during hybrid

and remote sessions)

● 2 Building Substitutes (1 for hybrid and full remote sessions)

● 2 Support TAs (to be used to support …during remote plan)

● 2 Part time food service employees (for hybrid and full return sessions)

Hybrid: Discovery Charter School has 58 full and part time staff members. In our hybrid model,

Students will be divided into two groups, while staff is fully in person. One group will be in

person on M/T, while the other group will be in person on Th/F. Wednesdays will be fully

remote. The Hybrid model will be:the student population of DCS is divided into 33 small groups.

33 staff members will each take charge of a small group of no more than 10 students. The

teacher for that group will be in charge of all instructional content, IEP and ENL minutes/goals (if

applicable), parent communication, and SEL needs of their small group.

In addition to the 33 instructional staff, DCS will have:

● 1 school Director

● 2 Administrative Interns dedicated to supporting administrative tasks

● 4 coaches dedicated to supporting instructional staff in their planning and

implementation of highly effective, rigorous instruction.

● Coaches and ILT members will also serve as the school’s RTI team and

constantly review data to ensure that all students’ needs are being met.

● 5 Encores/Specials teachers to ensure the arts and physical education is

embedded into the school day. The encores team will also plan and implement

activities to maintain and develop school culture

● 2 ENL teachers to support instructional staff meet ENL requirements and minutes

● 1 Speech Language Pathologist to support informal speech goals.

● 1 Social Worker to coordinate attendance concerns, meet IEP counseling goals

● 2 SEL team members dedicated to supporting the Social Emotional wellbeing of

our staff and students

● 3 Family support team members responsible for providing support services to

families (meal distribution, mentoring, coordinating technology events)

Staffing during the remote period will remain fluid and is subject to change based on the needs

of our staff and students.

Remote :

Discovery Charter School has 56 full time staff members. In our remote plan, the student

population of DCS is divided into 33 small groups. 33 staff members will each take charge of a

small group of no more than 10 students. The teacher for that group will be in charge of all

instructional content, IEP and ENL minutes/goals (if applicable), parent communication, and

SEL needs of their small group.

In addition to the 33 instructional staff, DCS will have:

● 1 school Director

● 2 Administrative Interns dedicated to supporting administrative tasks

● 4 coaches dedicated to supporting instructional staff in their planning and

implementation of highly effective, rigorous instruction.

● Coaches and ILT members will also serve as the school’s RTI team and

constantly review data to ensure that all students’ needs are being met.

● 5 Encores/Specials teachers to ensure the arts and Physical Education are

embedded into the school day. The encores team will also plan and implement

activities to maintain and develop school culture

● 2 ENL teachers to support instructional staff meet ENL requirements and minutes

● 1 Speech Language Pathologist to support informal speech goals.

● 1 Social Worker to coordinate attendance concerns, meet IEP counseling goals

● 2 SEL team members dedicated to supporting the Social Emotional wellbeing of

our staff and students

● 3 Family support team members responsible for providing support services to

families (meal distribution, mentoring, coordinating technology events)

Staffing during the remote period will remain fluid and is subject to change based on the needs

of our staff and students.

Communication Plan for Students and Families

Discovery has a protocol written plan detailing how the school will provide accommodations to

all students and staff who are at high risk or live with a person at high risk.

Attendance/Chronic Absenteeism Discovery has created the position of Attendance

Coordinator to support our reentry plans whose sole responsibility will be in monitoring,

documenting and tracking the daily attendance of student in all reopening plans (details below)

Full Return Attendance Policy will be as originally planned (full policy available upon request)

*Families will have the option for remote learning if requested in a week commitment

Statement of Overall Objectives

Every student has a right to educational opportunities that will enable the student to develop his

or her fullest potential. Attendance policies are based on the principle that regular school

attendance maximizes the student’s interaction with his or her teachers and peers and is a

major component of academic success. Improved school attendance generally increases

student achievement. Therefore, attendance policies that provide for the early identification of

attendance problems and effective methods to address them are most likely to succeed.

Successful implementation of any attendance policy requires cooperation among all members of

the education community, including parents/persons in parental relation, students, teachers,

administrators, and support staff. DCS has set a goal for each student to attend no less than

98% of the year (i.e. less than 3 absences a year with 2 late arrivals and 2 early pickups).

Compulsory Education under New York State Law

School age minors age 6-16 must attend school regularly as prescribed where the student

resides. The student must attend school the entire time classes are in session (NYS Education

Law 3205). The compulsory education law is designed to require school attendance and ensure

that no child is denied the opportunity to receive an education. New York State compulsory

education laws specify that each minor child from 6 to 16 years of age, mentally and physically

fit, will be in regular attendance for the entire time school is in session. At Discovery Charter

School a child who becomes 5 years of age prior to December 1 during a school year is eligible

to attend Kindergarten starting in August of that school year. According to State law, the school

year begins July 1.

Description of Strategies to Meet Objectives

DCS will: a) Create and maintain a positive school building culture by fostering a positive

physical and psychological environment where the presence of strong adult role models

encourages respectful and nurturing interactions between adults and students. This positive

school culture is aimed at encouraging a high level of student bonding to the school, which in

turn should lead to increased attendance. b) Maintain an accurate record of attendance,

absence, tardiness or early departure of each student. c) Develop strategies to improve school

attendance for all students (e.g. Monthly 100% attendance celebrations at Community Circle).

Attendance/Participation Regulations

The attendance policy begins upon the first day of school in August or when the student enrollsif

after the first day of school. b) It is the responsibility of the family to contact their teachers

regarding missed work and tests. c) Three “illegal” instances of tardiness or early departure will

constitute an “illegal” absence. d) Students who do not attend classes do not participate in the

learning that takes place. Students and families should be aware that a lack of class

participation is a factor that can be considered in a student’s grade. For purposes of this policy,

classroom participation means that a student is in class and prepared to work and is actively

involved in instruction. e) A form letter will be mailed to parents/guardians starting after a

student has five absences from school (see attached attendance guide for families). f) Any

student who misses five consecutive days of school without the school being notified will be

considered withdrawn from the school by the family and her/his spot will be lost. g) Excessive

absences are grounds for retention (“failing” or not moving on to the next grade) regardless of

individual academic results.


Within five days of a student’s return to school from an absence, a written excuse from a parent

or legal guardian must be received or the school must consider the absence “illegal”. Tardiness

or early departure must be explained with a note from the parent/guardian on the day of the

event. If an excessive pattern of legal absences is identified by the Director or his or her

designee, the office will investigate the validity of the excuses and reasons for absences. If the

absences are found to be illegal, then they will be recorded as such.

Notice of Students who are Absent, Tardy, or Depart Early without Proper Excuse

DCS will be responsible for annually notifying the parent/person in parental relation for a student

of the proper procedure to follow for students who are absent, tardy or departs early without

proper excuse. In following the guidelines on the following page, if the parent/person in parental

relation cannot be reached by phone, the staff member will provide such notification by mail. If

deemed necessary by appropriate school officials, or if requested by the parent/person in

parental relation, a school conference shall be scheduled between the parent/person in parental

relation and appropriate staff members in order to address the student’s attendance.


● Students will be expected to participate in remote learning activities every day that

school is in session. To address students that are chronically absent, the

Social-Emotional Learning Team will make additional family contacts, including phone

calls, emails, and socially distanced home visits if necessary to support those students in

improving participation. Families are expected to provide the school with a legal excuse

for any days that students may be absent, in keeping with their commitment from the

beginning of the year.


● Students will be expected to participate in remote learning activities every day that

school is in session. To address students that are chronically absent, the

Social-Emotional Learning Team will make additional family contacts, including phone

calls, emails, and socially distanced home visits if necessary to support those students in

improving participation. Families are expected to provide the school with a legal excuse

for any days that students may be absent, in keeping with their commitment from the

beginning of the year.


Response to COVID-19 20-21 Calendar Updates Noted below

Changes as of 7.23.2020

October 9 th will not be a staff PD day – the day will be remote for students as planned

● November 3 rd will not be a staff PD day – the day will be remote for students as planned

● Any other changes will be reviewed prior to January 22, 2021

Our Calendar will change to accommodate 183 days The NYS Board of Regents has a minimum expectation of 180

mins of instruction per week to accommodate reopening plans. Discovery will provide a minimum of 600 instructional

minutes per week during our remote plan.


December 2024