Health and Wellness Policy

  • 4800
  • Discovery Charter School is dedicated to providing a safe and healthy environment for all students. A full-time registered nurse, Carolyn Beiter will be on staff, supported by a consulting Medical Director, Mary Perrello and Pediatrician, Dr. Sara Dovichi who will provide policy guidelines and give health appraisals as needed. Ill and injured students will be cared for during the day by the school nurse. Students will be referred for counseling or more advanced medical care as needed. Medications will be administered by the school nurse; if the school nurse is unavailable, the School Office Manager or Counselor is responsible for administering medication.


  • Health services include monitoring immunizations and ensuring that all students meet the New York State immunization requirements. The school will follow the New York State guidelines for screening, including for hearing, vision and scoliosis. Student dental records will be reviewed. Referrals for additional care will be sent to parents as needed. Documentation will be kept in the health office and monitored and updated as needed.


Faculty and staff will receive training in first aid (including but not limited to, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the use of portable defibrillators, and treatment of students receiving ongoing medical care). Monroe County also will provide the school with the same level of mandated health service that they provide to the school district of location in accordance with Section 2853(4)(a) and 912 of the Education Law.


All new students will receive hearing and vision testing by the registered nurse. A review of dental care, student immunizations requirements and the proper supporting documents will be completed and compiled for all new students. A consulting physician will review all health and safety protocols, and provide health approvals and annual physical examinations to those students requiring such care.


New York State law requires that each student entering kindergarten or a new school district in grades 1-8 have a certificate of immunization at the time of registration or not later than the first 14 days of school. State immunization requirements include: Diphtheria [Toxoid Containing Vaccine (DTP, DTaP) 3 doses]; Polio [(IPV) (OPV)3 OPV or 4 IPV]; Measles/Mumps/Rubella [(MMR) Born before 1985:1 dose of MMR; born on or after 1985: 2 doses of measles containing vaccine and 1 dose each of mumps and rubella (preferably as MMR)]; Hepatitis B [Born on or after 01/01/93: 3 doses]; Varicella [Born on or after 1/1/98: 1 dose]. Before a child can be permitted to enter or attend school, parents or guardians must present documentation that their child has received all required doses of vaccines or that their child has received at least one dose of each of the required vaccines and is waiting to receive the subsequent doses at the appropriate time intervals. Parents may waive immunization by complying with §2164 of the Public Health Law with respect to exemptions to immunizations of Discovery Charter School’s student population. Parent must provide waiver for school records.


Discovery Charter School will work with Julia K. Caterers along with Wegmans Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program to incorporate nutrition and wellness programming into classes, expeditions and after-school programs. Through these two vendors, students and faculty will have access to a registered dietitian, and periodic nutrition programs will also target parents and family members.


Discovery Charter School will charge the school Director to form an Emergency Response Team in order to develop and maintain a Building-level Emergency Response Plan, in accordance with the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) legislation and regulations of the Commission of Education, Part 155.17. The plan will contain emergency prevention, mitigation, preparedness and response procedures and guidelines to protect the safety of students, staff, faculty and visitors, before during and after an emergency. The Emergency Response Team will ensure that the plan accurately reflects the current capabilities of Discovery Charter School and will continually update the plan to reflect lessons learned throughout the year.





Approved by the Board of Trustees

May 12, 2011


Revised by the Board of Trustees

November 21, 2013


Revised by the Board of Trustees

October 20, 2016


Reviewed by the Board of Trustees

September 20, 2019

January 2025